Absolution is currently on sale this week, for 99c across all platforms, so make sure you grab a copy before Sliding Down the Sky comes out in April! Here are your sales links - Amazon, B&N, Kobo and iBooks.
Sliding Down the Sky is currently being edited - woot! So excited to share Callum's story with you all! I should have a cover soon, so I'll post that here when I do. If you haven't checked it out yet, do have a look at the synopsis over at Goodreads (and add it to your TBR list while you're there).
While it's technically a standalone, I do feel you'll better understand the story if you've already read Absolution.
As to what's next... well, I'm already working on novel five, which has the working title of Life 2.0. It's another story set right here in New Zealand and I can't wait to flesh it out and share it with you, hopefully at the end of the year.
Once I have a firm release date in April, Sliding Down the Sky will be available for pre-order. In the meantime, here's another teaser to tide you over :-)
I'm having a lot of fun over in my Facebook readers group, sharing snippets and teasers and behind-the-scenes info on all my books, including the new one. Come over and join us!
~ Amanda